Window to Windows

Team Size: 1 OR 2
Entry fees: For GLA Group:
For ABACUS members: FREE (Members must register their name beforehand)
For NON-ABACUS members: Rs.15 per head
For Other Colleges/Institutes:
Rs.50 per head
WINrathon is for hard core programmers, debuggers, coders, testers or hackers. Well, SORRY guys because Winrathon is definitely NOT your type. WINrathon is actually for every one of you who has ever used Windows (and especially for those who love messing with it). Come be a part of this Windows Marathon.
This event will be in two phases. First there will be a objective preliminary test ,followed by the mains which will be a task based test. (This we are sure that nobody would want to miss).
Prelims will consist of an objective type test comprising of 50 questions to be solved in 30 minutes. Genre of the questions would be general awareness about computers. No worries, there will not be any question on hard core programming. Tips to crack prelims are teamwork, accuracy and speed.
Short listed participants will enter in the finals.
Mains will be a task based test consisting of a series of tasks related to Windows. The objective is to perform these tasks in a given interval of time. To give you a feel of the mains here is a sample questions just leaked from the mains paper…
Change the password of the current user account.
Now here is a possible solution to achieve the goal.
Goto Start->Control panel->User Accounts->Change an account
Then by selecting the current account you can easily change the password.
An alternative to this is
Goto Start -> Run ->Type cmd
In the command prompt type net user
Most of you will use the first method but the second approach is by far faster and smarter way of finishing the task (Though there are other alternatives as well) which will give you the edge when asked to do it in a time limit. By the way did it require any deep programming fundamentals as such? Similar to the above task there will be some more interesting ones.
Our objective is not to check how you do it but to check how smartly you do it.
Tips to crack mains are teamwork, smart work, speed and bit knowledge about Windows.
Harsh Tripathi Ankit Susheel
(CS IV Room No. 586) (CS IV)
+91-9410402655 +91-9997507208
Shishir Agarwal Shivam Isha Pant