Robo code

1. Entrants to the Robocode can be

a. Individual entry


b. Team entry (2 Students ).

2. You need to load & use sample ROBO_code.txt from here (link for the sample code) and upgrade the code by using predefined functions described in ppt. At last save the file with ".java" extension.

3. Only 1 source code in java robot is allowed per team entry. This robot will be used for
all the rounds termed in the event.You can give any name to your robot.

4. The structure for qualifying and the number of robots in each group and the match format will be agreed after .Once the total number of teams is known. The guiding principle of making it manageable, easy for the audience to follow and allowing a team to play as many battles and other teams as possible will be used when deciding on the qualifying structure.

5 . Your robocode(.java file) must be submitted upto saturday 21st March 2009 till 9:00 pm at

6. The decisions of the Organising committee, Interview Panel and Judges will be final.

//future amendments possible if required//