click to download the list of shortlisted participants
Team Size :2
Entry fees : Rs.15 per Head
No fees for Abacus members(members must register their name beforehand)
The key to successful advertising is doing things differently. Difference is what sells. Difference
makes you stay ahead.In advertising, not to be different is a virtual suicide.AD-Mania provides
you an opportunity to showcase your innovative thinking; original ideas, perspectives and insights
that make you stand apart from the crowd. It tests your ability to put the very heart of your
business on pen and paper, and that too differently!!!!!!!
1. The ad-mania comprises of two-rounds. The first round is the elimination round and the selected
teams would perform in the final round.
2. The preliminary or qualifying round will be an aptitude test.
3. The test will consist of multiple choice questions related to ads (identifying logos, brands,
punch lines etc.).
4. The second round will be a presentation round.
5. The participants will be given a product and they'll have to put their creative thoughts on
paper in 30 min. After that they'll have to present their ideas in 3 min.
6. Participants are required to bring their own materials/ stationery except the a4 sheet which
will be provided to you.
7. No extra time will be allotted to the participants coming late.
Tarun Agarwal (MCA 2nd year) 9412530449
Nidhi Sharma (MCA 2nd year)
Ruchi Gupta (MCA 2nd year)
Poonam Srivastava (MCA 2nd year)