
GEEK-A-CON'10 has the following events


This event is basically a very popular online maze which uses more of the logic to wind your way to through a series of twisted riddles, oblique clues and a mind boggling array of brain teasers. The participants will be provided with a set of 20-30 questions each would either be a set of interlinked pictures, or some indirect reference to a person, organization or object. It will be launched 2-3 days prior to the start of the main event. The participant who gets the maximum answers right in minimum time would emerge as the winner


The fundamental quiz involving the general awareness skills of the participants. It is an online event (overnight event). The questions will be posted on the website on the previous day for a limited time duration and the participant with the maximum right answers wins the event.


This is a movie making competition. A theme will be given 24hrs prior to the competition. The participants will have to make a short movie based on the theme. The submitted movies will be judges on the basis of the correctness of the idea, the creativity and the content.


The aim is to construct a mechanically operated robot, which will be an arrangement for moving and will have to traverse a path. The path will be supposed to have some obstacles of various difficulties at different locations. The robot which successfully completes the whole path in least amount of time will emerge as winner. The dimension of the arena and the limit on the dimension for the robot will be posted in the problem statement.


This event is the test of word-play, wit and humor of the participants. The participants will be given a theme, and this theme will be declared atleast 2-3 days prior to the competition. The participants will have to present this theme in the form of a blog in the most creative way possible. The blogs will be judges on the basis of the content, presentation and creativity.

Terra incognita

The event comprise of learning of a new language in the given time and then apply all the knowledge about the knowledge plus the basic programming insights to solve the problems about the new language. The tutorials will be provided about the same languagefew days before. Participants will go through the material. They will first face a prelims round which would comprise of an objective test. The second round consists of programming problems in the new language.


This event is the technical paper presentation round on subjects other than that of their core branch. Event focuses on exploring the ability of people to understand the topics which are anti-genre to them and present them in a lucid way. Participants will have to submit a synopsis containing the summary of their topic. Team size will be of 1 or 2. Selected participants, on basis on their synopsis will present their power point presentation. The duration of the presentation and the cross questioning would be provided


It’s the basic event about the C programming language which evaluated the various programming skills. The C language being the most fundamental and most widespread language would be at the grass root level. The event consist of two rounds- in the prelims tround there will be objective questions on C language and on the basis of performance in it the students will qualify for the mains. In the mains round some problems will be given and participants will have to develop the code for those problems in C language itself. The emphasis will be on the logic of the code. The number of attempted problems will also be considered.


In this event you have to show your creative skills and ability to integrate the things. Participants will be given some themes out of which they would choose one. Then they can use all the compatible tools to develop the website. Emphasis would be given to the presentation and looks of the website. The website development would have to be finished within the stipulated time.


The main aim is to use the knowledge about the basic computer machine and solve the problems without the use of the internet. Each problem has the answer hidden in the directories of the system files. The participants are supposed to solve the problems without using the help and support. The questions will be about the fundamentals of windows OS and basic computer hardware. The prelims round will comprise of objective questions and those shortlisted will proceed to the main event where each participants would be provided with the set of questions and a computer machine.